
Hello! Welcome to my site.

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Calgary where I work on electricity markets, climate policy, and energy transitions. I tend to use empirical methods to evaluate policy effectiveness and better understand consumer and firm behaviour. My goal is to bring rigorous evidence to help policy makers craft better policy.

Prior to returning to academia, I had a 15 year career in energy trading, specializing in electricity, natural gas and emissions markets. I received my PhD in economics from the University of Calgary, Master of Philosophy in economics from the University of Cambridge and a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from Queen’s University. I recently held visiting scholar and Fulbright postdoctoral scholar positions at the Toulouse School of Economics and Stanford University.

My recent research has been published in Nature, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, Energy Economics, and the Energy Journal. My popular writing has appeared in the Globe and Mail, Maclean’s, CBC, and other media outlets. I am frequently asked to provide policy advisor services for governments at various levels on energy and environmental policy matters.

The American Economic Association encourages its members to openly provide a disclosure statement. Mine can be found here.

Download my CV.

  • Electricity markets
  • Climate policy
  • Energy transitions
  • PhD in Economics, 2018

    University of Calgary

  • MPhil in Economics, 2003

    Cambridge University

  • BSc (Honours) in Environmental Science, 2000

    Queen's University

Journal Articles (Economics)

Policy Papers

(2016). Lifting the hood on Alberta’s royalty review. School of Public Policy Briefing Paper.

PDF Cite

Policy Notes

  • An Alberta wind energy windfall, School of Public Policy, Energy & Environmental Policy Trends, Oct 20, 2022 (with Sara Hastings-Simon, Andrew Leach, and Tim Weis)
  • Dead Weight Loss, UC Berkeley Energy Institute Blog, Oct 26, 2021 (with Maximilian Auffhammer)
  • Cheap renewables have arrived, School of Public Policy, Energy & Environmental Policy Trends, Nov 22, 2020 (with Nick Schumacher, Victoria Goodday and Jen Winter)


This academic year I am teaching:

  • ECON 557: Advanced Microeconomic Theory (Undergraduate), Fall 2024
  • ECON 429: Advanced Electricity Markets (Undergraduate), Winter 2025

Past courses taught include:

  • SEDV 633: Energy and Climate Policy (Masters), Winter 2024 (w/ Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon)
  • ECON 429: Advanced Electricity Markets (Undergraduate), Winter 2022, Winter 2023
  • ECON 557: Advanced Microeconomic Theory (Undergraduate), Fall 2022, Fall 2023
  • PPOL 623: MPP Capstone course (Masters), 2021-22 (w/ Dr. Lisa Young), 2022-23 (w/ Dr. Kent Fellows), 2023-24 (w/ Dr. Jen Winter)
  • SEDV 623: Strategic Environmental Planning for Energy Organizations (Masters), Winter 2021
  • PPOL 611 - Energy Transitions and Policy (Masters), Winter 2020, Fall 2020
  • ECON 329 - Economics of Electricity Markets (Undergraduate), Fall 2019, Winter 2021
  • ECON 373 - Game Theory (Undergraduate), Spring 2018
